Wednesday 23 March 2011

Once again Earthquake in north-eastern Japan

Japan Earthquake

Tokyo:- Coastal area of north eastern Japan on Wednesday morning at 7:12 there is came one earthquake. According to the Japanes media report the earthquake on wednes day is scale on 6 reactor. Earthquake shocks were felt in this area. We also informe you that Devastating earthquake in the same area on March 11, 2011.

According to Japanes news agency after the earthquake on the Wednes day there are not any tsunami warning has been issued in the japan.

Japan Earthquake

In Japan there was an earthquake and tsunami devastation on March 11 so far has now Japanes government confirmed 9,000 deaths and more than 13,000 people still missing. It seems that Japanes are not out of the Danager. After the Radiation Blast in the Japan there were a 400 Radiation are scale in the Japan.

God Knows what are done in the Japan...
Is World is gonna Died inthe 2012...?????

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