Wednesday 23 March 2011

Tokyo water unsafe for babies, food banned

Tokyo water unsafe for babies, food banned
Tokyo:- Health authorities of Japan official confirmed that Radioactive iodine level are out of its limit in Japan. official also told that the limit is reached the upper of limit. Official also added on Wednesday that the radioactive iodine (RI) content of tap water in Tokyo was found to be increased twice the upper limit considered safe for babies. The RI level measured 210 Becquerel per liter (Bq/L) of iodine-131. The recommended limit for infants is 100 Bq/L of iodine-131.

According to the report of he public is urged to avoid giving tap water because this water are sensitive to radioactive iodine, which may cause thyroid malignancy.

Tokyo water unsafe for babies, food banned

Shintaro Ishihara who is the Governor of Tokyo said that We advised the people against using the tap water for drinking and for making infant formula for babies who is under 1 year old.

Video of tSunami From Coast Gaurd Ship of Japan.

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