Friday, 19 August 2011

It's not mine, the country's movement

64 years have passed since independence but the question is still whether the public has freedom? After 64 years, the situation is the same. Corruption is the same. 

The public is plundered. The only difference is that the British have gone white and black here. Battle of changes to the Ombudsman if we go about it will come, but the question will always echoes what we are truly free? Them the freedom to accept what the current situation. 

Regime changes in the current environment is very important. You see, in Pune recently, farmers were the water went. Farmers when the movement was fired at them. It is not true freedom. We will have to change. Government and the money is passed out drunk. 

We have to question where we are taking this country and society. The government has ever thought that we are developing it, and they are exploited? Gasoline, diesel, coal and even the water of the government is exploiting people. Is this development? 

 I've already said several times that the government is no need to go to cities. Working hands and stomach in the village can get bread. But the government has become blind to the exploitation of nature and humanity. The government has turned a blind eye to the exploitation of humanity, nature is exploited. Today the world is concerned about nature. 

Is going to run out of petrol, diesel is about to end, even the water is running, but our government is not bothered by the fact that the races will happen to us? The government is exploiting only with closed eyes and the money has been robbed. 

Therefore our struggle will continue. Until then, the change will not. Prime Minister of the creed of our country on August 15 at the Red Fort speech saying that we would Bill in Parliament and that Parliament will be sent.But our demand is why Parliament is the wrong bill? 

We made the point very clear, such as the CBI's position, and suspension and appointment of Ombudsman. The government assures us but suddenly things the government was unable to fool the public. I was very sorry today. We have no doubt this will become the Ombudsman. And you will not breath so long in the body, we will continue to fight for the Ombudsman. The country stands with us and our confidence has increased. Ombudsman will be bringing and we will continue to fight for change. The democracy - democracy is shouting. We do not know what democracy? 

Do not know what country it is the government's four MPs in jail and 150 criminal cases. I would question whether it is democracy? I will pray that this country is not a movement of Anna. It is the movement of the country. We should think about our own country. It is the Parliament, the holy temple of democracy. People who reach the holy temple, the temple was fired will be destroyed.

I will pray that the people of the country aware of the sacrifice. All political parties should take care of the splendor of the Holy Temple. The Government's policy which seems to be in the public interest? I say that it is not public but it is in the interest of industrialists. 

Big - big business to give land to poor and destitute farmers being fired on. The question of farmers' land is in every state.The government is forcing farmers, has been fired, innocent farmers are being killed. Parliament is not just in Delhi, the capital of every state is the Parliament? Why in every state capital and every village has its own parliament?We will drive it forward movement. If you change a system of this country is important to think on these issues. We have already started thinking on these issues.

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