Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Foreign Policy Just Not For Diplomat in the new Egypt

 Mahmoud Al-Zahar climbed onto the front of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, the height, the extent of floor 21, a ticket to overthrow the Jewish state and replace it with the national colors of Egypt.
"Hold your head up - You are the Egyptians," thousands mourned as Shahat, now known as the "flagman" torus white and blue flag of Israel, applause, fireworks and the inaction of hundreds nervous soldiers and police on the scene.

No longer able to show their anger in Egypt identified connections are often passive and satisfaction in Israel, a former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak showed they are not afraid to express their frustration in public.

The generals in power since the fall Mubarak in Egypt in February will continue to face the dilemma more assertive policy toward Israel, according to the public while protecting the integrity of a peace agreement to give them billions of dollars in U.S. aid.

"Egypt policy toward Israel is not very popular in the past 15 years, and that the public wants a more assertive policy toward Israel," Ezzedine Choukri-Fisher, the American University in Cairo said.

"Deep majority of Egyptians - including those who are in favor of peace, -. it is a policy toward Israel is sometimes too soft and satisfaction with this policy should change and what these events to the point," he said at.

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