Saturday, 3 September 2011

Maruti recruit More Contract Staff

Although the dispute between the workers and the Department of Management Manesar country's largest automaker, Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL), which is the sixth day, the company deployed 150 vehicles.
MSIL is also recruiting qualified, keeping the second stage of the total number of workers hired on the basis of an agreement this week, up to 425

Lead the company said, commented: "The two plants Manesar (A and B) are integrated with products welded store the other channel is sent to the first reconstruction of the plant because the plant is an excellent second automatic with the same hours of work resulted in 30-40 percent higher than it will help us to increase production ... is doing. "

The company now has 800 employees in the workforce to start the operation of another plant at Manesar plant to ramp in the coming days. It covers the 50 engineers at the plant in Gurgaon and 290 instructors in the factory in Manesar. Another plant, set up an investment of Rs 1700 crores, has been ordered months earlier.Sometimes, Wednesday and Friday, a total of 285 cars rolled on the plant.

So far, not yet taken place between staff and administration. Shiv Kumar, Secretary General of the proposed Maruti Suzuki Employees Union (MSEUE) said yesterday the workers are to seek government intervention, the environment in which to promote their work.

He said, however, that the employee has not signed the commitment of sweetness and good conduct, which requires the management agreement. "We have our needs. Management is communication, then return to the suspended employee, and a rewarding independent of the Union, "he said.

Department employees Manesar MSIL is supported by other unions in Gurgaon, Manesar belt. Nearly 3,000 employees in 35 unions in the region is set at the front of the Manesar plant Thursday to express solidarity with the protesting workers. The union is an examination of the tool is less than next week when the government refused to protest against the negotiations for employees MSIL.

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