Saturday, 3 September 2011

'Z' Category Security Provided To Anna Hazare

Social activist Anna Hazare is equipped with safety "Z" category, the police chief said Saturday."Safety Class Z Hazare given three days ago," said Prakash Krishnan SP Ahmednagar region of PTI by phone.

The question says that corruption and the extent of the Crusaders refused to safety, the IPS officer, said: "This is not true that he left the safety What is that" he said, not safety .

"He said he never wanted any security at all, and he wants to communicate with people, and do not understand the risk," said Krishna Prakash.

Previously there were two people who were part of the security of Mr. Hazare. If the valve is in class Z, we now have four guards and two public service around the clock to protect Mr. Hazare, he said.

"When I go to my village Ralegan Siddhi Hazare, Police cars, which goes with him," the police official said.
Gandhi Gram Sabha 74 years proved his village in Western Maharashtra has given the first public appearance after a Gurgaon hospital.

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