Friday 13 May 2011

Arjun are afraid from Salman

Arjun are afraid from Salman

Arjun Rampal, says he is afraid of Salman Khan. Well, Arjun is the closest member of Shah Rukh Khan camp says it may seem strange to anyone. But Arjun applying it to avoid race with Salman. Arjun is recently bought a cruiser bike. When asked to find the bike race with whom than Arjun said that I will set no race at all with Salman because I am afraid of him. However, I will set the race course with John Abraham.

Interestingly, Arjun is playing the roll of villains in Shah Rukh Khan's forthcoming film "Ra. One". He explains about his role, "Ra. One" that I have playing quite Different role. The most difficult of my career roll. Sports bike while I ride you in the movie and see the action scenes. " Arjun bikes love are since from childhood, I suggest that in my teenage I run run all bikes, but after marriage my Wife do not permission to me for drive the bike. She feels that the bike is running unsafe. While Arjun is the dream that roam the bike whole India.

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