Saturday 14 May 2011

Bebo on small screen


Now it is not the embarrassment Bollywood stars to come on TV. Hot money and reach an audience made up the small screen. So are the new sensation of the small screen Bebo.

Small curtain has been favorite of the stars. It has its own show for all the great actors, the actress are also interested in this significant. Although the actress of a TV comeback on stage platform remains, but now at the peak of career, despite the TV shows have been signed.

Last year, Priyanka Chopra, where the "Khatro Ke Khiladi" had come with, while this year, Kareena Kapoor, Small Screen is expected to appear on the screen. Reported that they offer is a style based reality show and also for Interested. Earlier in the industry for his style sense Karina popular a global entertainment channel approach is to show your new reality which the constaintant the dress and make-up will give guidance.

Kareena to tell about it has come to believe that they offer such a show, but she refused to give anything more to tell. Says Kareena that channel and I is not no paper work. The whole thing is still early. Well, in addition to the show for television I have enough offers.

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