Tuesday 7 June 2011

Street to be named after Raj Kapoor in Canada

Street to be named after Raj Kapoor in Canada

Bollywood actor Raj Kapoor will have a treet name in canada. which is hosting the 12th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) weekend. The street will be named Raj Kapoor Crescent and several members of the Kapoor family will be present during the event and also to witness the opening of the film festival on June 26 in Toronto.

Raj Kapoor is very good actor and he always give inspire to all new comers. The city of Brampton wants to celebrate their presence while honouring the late Raj Kapoor for his contribution towards Indian Cinema. The city would induct him into the Brampton Hall of Fame, having a star placed there in his honour.

IIFA and the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) have tied up to host a tribute to the patriarch of the Kapoor clan that will be titled, 'Raj Kapoor and the Golden Age of Indian Cinema'.

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