Wednesday 8 June 2011

Sushma Swaraj Dance at Rajghat

Sushma Swaraj Dance at Rajghat
New Delhi: Senior Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) Leader Sushma Swaraj is dance at the rajghat.The dance by senior BJP leaders, including Sushama Swaraj, at Rajghat has snowballed into a major controversy with Congress dubbing attacking the opposition party as an outfit of dancers and demanding her resignation as the Leader of the Opposition. She promised, "We will sing, swing and dance on patriotic songs till our last breath."

Senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj dances at Rajghat amid BJP workers and leaders who had assembled there to protest the government's police action. The tunes were patriotic, but the celebration political. This was the BJP . Unfazed by the attack on her for breaking into a jig at Rajghat during a protest, BJP leader Sushma Swaraj today hit back at Congress saying those criticising her are suffering from “mental slavery” as she had the right to dance on patriotic songs anywhere in India.

Digvijay Singh also said "BJP belonged to an ideology which killed Mahatma Gandhi....With its leaders Sushma Swaraj and Vijay Goel dancing there, they have shown they belong to this ideology." Swaraj had defended her act saying she was dancing to the tune of patriotic songs to boost the morale of party cadres, which is in keeping with traditions of BJP.

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