Wednesday 8 June 2011

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day

We all dedicated this year to World Ocean Day. If life had continued according to the normal order of things, Tim would have had about another fifty years on this Earth, and would no doubt have dedicated much of his life to the preservation of the oceans. So with his premature loss we have a shortfall of about 18,250 ocean days that we need to somehow make up for. We could start by everybody reading this blog observing World Oceans Day 2011 on 8th June. I know that most of you never met him, but take it from me, he was one of the good guys. So I hope this is okay with you.

Ocean is very important for us, like to play and do many things in ocean. Celebrate World Ocean Day. Guests may also explore carts with various themes set up around the Aquarium, including sea turtles, whales and dolphins, shells, and marine debris. The Nature Swap will be set up from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM where visitors can trade their own discoveries for other treasures found in nature such as shells, shark teeth, snake skins, or fossils.

World Oceans Day is held every June 8th, and is coordinated by The Ocean Project ( and the World Ocean Network ( For more information, including a comprehensive list of events locally and globally, please visit the website of World Oceans Day

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