Tuesday 7 June 2011

UPSC IES/ISS Results 2011


India (DLN): Here we have the latest news that is related to Union Public Service Commission. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced results for Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Examination 2010. Candidates are see their results here. UPSC IES/ISS results 2011 are available of the written exam that was held by the Union Public Service Commission from 4-6 December, 2010. List of qualified candidates has been issued and these candidates are called for Interview/Personality Test.

Qualified candidates are required to download the DAF and Summary Sheet, from the UPSC website and fill up both and send to the Under Secretary (IES/ISS), Room No. 427, Ayog Sachivalaya Building, Union Public Service Commission, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi -110069 by Regd. Post/Speed Post

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