Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Fast effect on the kidney of Anna?

Jnlokpal Anna Hazare for the passage of Bill 8 th day of the hunger strike continues. Meanwhile, Anna is beginning Bigdni health. 

After medical check was told on Tuesday that his weight was 5.6 kg. His weight was 72 kg 66.4 kg. According to news agency PTI, Kiran Bedi Infakshn in the kidney of Anna's, but later said the two-Anna is in good health. 

Their blood and urine were also found in the ketone which may affect the liver and kidneys. Heart Care Foundation of President of the doctor. 

The. Agarwal said that in the urine ketone means to meet them is to use fat for energy. Anna who is overweight, according to the reduction of the risk he can take up to 10 kg. Anna's BP and pulse rate decreased 30 means 10 to move to dehydration. And need to drink the liquid. 

Chairman Dr A diabetic Research Center. The. Jhingan said that when the body does not get glucose from the sugar in the body seems to be low. Also decreases the amount of insulin. 

The liver makes and inject increasing amounts of sugar. If sugar is less frequent in the liver is accelerated Laipolaisis. Free fatty acid ketone are formed which begin to break up and come out with urine. If the strike goes on much impact on the first brain. There is also an unconscious state.

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