Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Rs 500 in case of ingestion acquitted after 25 years

The Court considered not reliable evidence of the CBI. When the case began, the JE PK Gupta was 25 years. Today it's been 50 years. Sentenced at the time, Gupta, government jobs were lost. 

According to the CBI, a man called Amarnath had complained that he was conducting Kishanganj market right in the store, only to P.. Gupta went on to say, the Phool Singh, a groundsman and he asked for a bribe of Rs shutter to work. 

Amarnath Gupta Singh said that money to give flowers. It was fixed at Rs 700. Phool Singh had given Rs. Amarnath reported the matter to the CBI. CBI Phool Singh were arrested for taking bribe of Rs 500. Flowers to be given to Singh RS Gupta. Singh, RS Gupta said that the agency give the flowers. Singh Gupta Rs 1000, the CBI got to Gupta. 

Both were booked under Prevention of Corruption Act against. The agency November 25, 1986 PK JE. Gupta's bribery case against them was arrested, but was later granted bail. The trial court January 31, 2002, sentenced to 4 years in this case, Gupta. 

The co - accused Phool Singh had died during the trial. In the case came after the High Court. Defense lawyers argued that PK Siddharth Luthra and Nitesh Mehra. Gupta has been implicated. Gupta said the CBI court on the flower Singh Rs, but there was no communication between them. No evidence that he has asked for Rs. It is also possible that the flowers are for Singh, RS Gupta and Gupta's name is not enough to recover from the Rs.

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