Monday 6 June 2011

Celina Jaitley married to fiance Peter Haag?

Celina Jaitley married to fiance Peter Haag?

Bollywood actress celina Jaitley is in the news again. This time she is in news because she got married with hatelier Peter Haag. The grapevine is abuzz with the news that she has secretly married her fiance Peter Haag, a Dubai-based hotelier. Rumours started spreading like wildfire that Celina has married her beau after she was spotted with sindoor in her maang. However, the actress said that she is not married. She added that she visited a friend with the sindoor, which was used for the shooting of an ad.

Celina Jailtey is got engage with peter last year during durga pooja. It is heard that her marriage has to wait, as there too many issues like her brother’s marriage in October and Peter's grandmother’s bad health. She added that she nursed her beau for a month after going through intestinal surgery. She went on to say that she would have a quick marriage, as she has four films up for release this year.

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