Monday 6 June 2011

Priyanka and Shahid Behaves Like Strangers on Sets

Priyanka and Shahid Behaves Like Strangers on Sets

One time lovers and also their off screen hitting rock-bottom. Hit jodi of kaminey movie Shahid and Priyanka Chopra both are behave stranger on the set. Ex-flames Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra are struggling to pull off great chemistry on the sets of Kunal Kohli's next. The problem is so severe that they even refuse to rehearse together.

Director Kunal Kohli is signed Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor for that both are making full romantic sceane in the movie. But luck wasn't on the director's side. "The relationship is over. And though Kunal Kohli had full faith in Shahid and Priyanka's professionalism, he was wondering what the aftermath of the break up would be for his film. He needn't have worried. The pair is absolutely professional on camera. It is off-camera that the aloofness between the two becomes easily discernible," a source told.

Though the actors put their best foot forward in front of camera, they act like strangers once the shot is over. "The interaction between them is minimal, almost nil. Once they give their shots, they are strangers to one another. Considering the film has essentially two characters- Shahid and Priyanka- running through a gamut of emotions and spectrum of characters, the effort required to share a mutual passion on screen is a task," added the source.

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